We Host Paid Tournaments for different Games. Check Out our application for our Pricing Details .
All matches are conducted fairly.Everyone got his reward according to his performance in game
Gmr Battle built using the latest technology and taking special care of its performance so the user never hesitates for its performance.
There is no points system or token or score or something else. people directly can earn real money with the Grind Battle app
Winning prize directly in your bank or wallet. Withdraw any wallet
User can register and login with social media and can connect with us
Withdraw your money using multiple options Paytm, Google pay, phone pe
Get notify for all activity
All the design and color combination are eye catching with current trend
Provide a best Resolution for app and admin panel
Coding with latest technology and frameworks.
Always ready to help, don't hesitate to contact us. wgsyrme on inst Just contact
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Now play and earn by downloading latest version of Gmr Battle.